The John Lewis catalogue 2022 UK is a bedroom & kitchen catalogue that sells designs for your Bedroom and Kitchen, Laundry Room, Bedroom, Home office, Dining areas, Living areas.
How to Request a John Lewis of Hungerford Catalogue 2022 UK
If you would like to receive a free John Lewis of Hungerford Catalog mailed to your home, you will need first to visit the company’s Request a Catalog page. On that catalogue request page, the first step will be to select which brochure you would like to receive and then how would you want to receive it. After you are done with step one, then step two will be to fill in your general details like your name, email address, telephone number, house address.
After you have filled in the details, you can click on the option that says “Request Brochure”. Once you have submitted the request, it should not take longer than 3-4 weeks to arrive.
Note: If you would rather not fill out this form, or the form is not working for you, you can also order a free catalogue by calling Montgomery Ward at 0700 278 4726 or by emailing the company.
Request a Free Catalogue 2022 UK Sent to Your Home by Mail or Post.
John Lewis of Hungerford Catalog Restrictions
The catalogue can be mailed to United Kingdom addresses, as well as to dozens of other countries.
If you are unable to find your country listed then you can go through the catalogues online as well.
View John Lewis Hungerford Catalogue online
If you want to have a look at our catalogue online then you can go through the Kitchen and Bedroom section of the website. Just select the kind of designs you are interested in view and clock on it. A gallery with all the unique and elegant designs will appear on your screen right away.